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Keynote Speakers

Full list of Keynote Speakers will be published soon.

Adalberto Dias de Carvalho
David Jarratt
Christian Bataillou

Director and Chairman of the Scientific-Technical Council of ISCET and director of CIIIC, retired Professor and main researcher of the University of Porto. PhD student in tourism at the University of Girona. Visiting professor at several foreign universities and author of multiple scientific articles.


Professor and researcher at the University of Perpignan, holds a doctorate in Sociology and a master degree in Law. He is an expert of the WTO in sustainable tourism, culture and heritage, with an extensive experience as coordinator of master and doctorate degrees and as director of research teams.

Senior Lecturer in the division of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management and leads the 'Top Up' degrees in these three areas, at the UCLan's School of Sport, Tourism and The Outdoors. He teaches at all levels across these areas, from first year undergraduate to PhD supervision. His research interests involve sense of place and visitor motivation. His most recent research involves tourism to traditional seaside resorts.

Michael Hall

Professor in Marketing. teaching, publication and research interests in tourism, regional development and social/green marketing with particular emphasis on issues of place branding and marketing as well as conservation and environmental change, event management and marketing, and the use of tourism as an economic development and conservation mechanism. He is the author and editor of over 40 books as well as over 250 journal articles and book chapters.


Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo

Higher Education Institute of Management and Tourism

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